Sunday, May 22, 2016

Just in time

As you (hopefully) know, World Outreach Ministries (WOM) is my sending agency. They are a registered 501c3 in the states, which allows people like you to make tax deductible donations to my ministry here in Thailand.  I am then "contracted" by WOM to work with my receiving agency, the Family Connection Foundation (FCF).

Because I am considered as a contractor my taxes are filed differently than a typical employee (I get a
1099 instead of a W-2).  One of the biggest differences is that social security payments aren't automatically withdrawn from each of my 'paychecks.' As a result, when I (well, actually my dad - thank you dad!) go to file my taxes, I have to pay a year's worth of social security based on my income for the year.  This year, I ended up having to pay $1,397 worth of social security taxes.  To help put into perspective how much money that is for me to pay ... it's equivalent to 10 months worth of my rent!

When my dad told me how much I'd have to pay in mid-March, I knew I'd have the money, for it, but asked that my parents wouldn't have it withdrawn from my bank account until April 11.  Yes, I had the money, but I knew I'd need my "first of the month" deposit from WOM as a buffer.

As I was traveling April 2-10 (for the Hat Yai Discipleship trip), I didn't get a chance to see what the deposit total was going to be until April 11.  When I went to check, I was shocked to see an extra gift had been made at the end of March. This extra gift was just what I needed to get me through April without dipping into my savings (which I was expecting to do) and supported me while the usual monthly donations came in to replenish my checking account.

Since I haven't had many extra donations this year and I had to pay a hefty amount for new glasses, I've been living pretty simply - doing without many of the 'extras' I usually enjoy. To have God provide in such a way - just enough to be covered, to have that exact amount come in at that exact time, there's no way it could be anything but God's provision, confirmation of his presence, approval for what I'm doing in Thailand.

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