November into December is a busy time. Not only are we celebrating Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's but there are two other Thai holidays that our office closes for - Constitution Day and the King's Day/Birthday/Father's Day.
The King's birthday is a very special holiday and as a way to honor him as the father of the country, Father's Day is also celebrated. Just like Mother's Day is celebrated on the Queen's birthday.
The King is adored by Thai people and starting as early as June there were commercials commemorating him. I found the following commercial quite compelling (and I was able to find an extend version with English subtitles for you to watch below)
"We love the King" "We will follow in the King's footsteps"
I can't help but compare the sentiment in this video to Christianity. As Christians we should want to give God our best work in anything we do - just like the man wanted to design the best t-shirt for the King. What does it look like to follow in our King's footsteps?
I imagine that the montage of our King would include images of Jesus feeding the five-thousand, blessing the little children, healing leapers, eating with prostitutes, and welcoming outcasts. I hope the montage of Christian's following Jesus's footsteps would include welcoming refugees, listening/supporting minorities, feeding the hungry, fostering children, caring for the homeless, shoveling a neighbor's driveway ...
Just as I can't help but wonder what Thailand would look like if everyone invested their time and resources the way the King has, I can't help but wonder what this world would look like if Christians followed in our King's footsteps. So this year I'm going to try to love my King more and follow in His footsteps better ... what would that look like for you?
Beautifully said. Thank you.