Monday, August 25, 2014

the Truth

I met the sweetest Thai couple today at the Family Connection Foundation. Another missionary here in town has become good friends and partners in ministry with the couple. Both have been volunteering with a variety of different projects in order to reach out and share the gospel with their own people. Their missionary friend is hoping that FCF can provide a better support, accountability, maybe training to this couple so they don’t feel like they are out in the field by themselves.

I was blown away by their story (and their English)! Both came to Christ about 20 years ago. Before learning about Jesus (and their marriage), the husband had been a Buddhist monk and teacher of Buddhist doctrine. After learning about God and growing in their relationship, they felt called to plant a church in Bangkok and teach other Thai people about Christ. After 10 or so years of leading the church, they felt called to be missionaries. God kept closing doors in Cambodia and Africa, but opened a door for them about 5 years ago to be missionaries in Chiang Mai and near the Burma border.

After we had given an overview of what the Foundation does, as well as some of the projects, the wife spoke up and shared more of her heart for Thai people. I was deeply moved. Their hearts for serving God and spreading his word were evident on their faces. She shared how, at the beginning, she would use tracks or booklets to lead people to Christ. As she found ways to serve and build relationships with other Thais, she found that her relationship opened up better ways to evangelize and then disciple others, so that’s what they’ve been trying to do here in Chiang Mai. She shared that they really want Thai people to know the TRUTH, not just Christian religion, and to be truly transformed by the Truth. Most Thai people, regardless of religion, aren’t transformed by their beliefs but rather just practice the religion. This couple sincerely desires to see lives changed through Christ. It was inspiring to see their passion for being used by God … I just had to share.

Grace and peace!

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